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Rebecca Jenkins. Owner at Low Grow Eat. Online Gardening store

Our Story in the Waikato - Delicious food from the heart

Hi! I am Rebecca. I am a passionate home gardener and Founder of Love Grow Eat. 

The revival of the kitchen garden evokes many happy memories as a child. The corn growing sky high, our little dog Penny pinching French beans from the garden, the sheep breaking out of the paddock and eating up everything in the garden, Dad running around with tennis racket trying to kill white butterflies, having chickens scratching around eating bugs and keeping us in eggs and me as a young child (9 or 10 years old) growing statice flowers and selling them to the local décor store. My childhood when it comes to gardening is a happy one. It’s also something I keep coming back to, to find peace, joy and fulfilment in my life.

In light of recent global events, concerns about food scarcity, mortality, and rapid technological and epidemic changes have emerged. Simply cultivating even a small portion of our food feels incredibly rewarding. It's become a habit for me to share with my family what we're enjoying straight from the garden during dinner. Growing our food grants us a sense of empowerment, allowing us to dictate where our nourishment originates and how it's cultivated.

In the last two years life has changed significantly. I went back to work fulltime, and all my energy was put into that. In fact, I was too tired to actually put my heart and soul into anything else and yet, it's been a real awakening. I've realised that the job doesn't do it for me, and I was missing talking to my community of passionate home gardeners. So I am back!

Love Grow Eat is all about loving our environment, using organic methods to look after our planet, growing nutrient dense healthy delicious fruit and veggies, eating with friend and family, connecting with our communities. 

Love Grow Eat is a dedicated space for the home gardener, a place of information and inspiration, for all things garden and kitchen. I believe that a kitchen garden (and the kitchen), should be functional but also beautiful. 

This comes down to good design and planning, using the right tools and equipment, and growing with nature.

I hope you enjoy our story in the Waikato, and join me on my journey, as I fill the bellies of my loved ones with homegrown, organic fruit and veggies right here in the heart of Cambridge, Waikato. 

Rebecca x


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